Espresso 'n Eggs
Foodie Heaven on Earth
if it just wasn't on the other end of town
still I will drive to the ends of the earth
for a good espresso at the very least
Brick & Spoon
How I discovered them
Chef first
make that the Exec Chef
having coffee at The Lab Handcrafted Coffee & Comforts
in River Ranch (per usual)
see this guy first off with his sunglasses tucked in the back collar of his t-shirt
then I read the t-shirt
Logo for Brick & Spoon
Hey, I've heard of them
I'd read they were a new restaurant going to open up in Lafayette soon
as we're not only a Festival, Foodie, Tourist mecca it seems here in Lafayette
but also a Startup town too
As I've said & will repeat I love the Creativity here especially
in so many ways I'm losing count
so back to the coffeeshop
I get my macchiato in my espresso size Keep Cup...
link to Keep Cup...
(if you haven't seen them before or me out with my different sizes/different colors, ordering coffee, bugging baristas 'round town)

photo: from Keep Cup series Cosmic Sky--this is Sunrise in an espresso size/8 oz
and turn to face him & point at his t-shirt/logo
I know that name--Brick & Spoon
he tells me his name is Jonathan (Kastner)
I get a business card - read Exec Chef
I remember that E's Kitchen is having an intro to his restaurant
and he's due to intro us/demo us some samples off the menu I thought
link to e's kitchen...
(note: sign up for a newsletter - check out the classes, the gadgets, the calendar for the next Food Truck Roundup at PARC for some who care, he's got his liquor license now so you can cook with it & buy it there too--am guessing he'll have some local distilleries/maybe craft breweries & vinos, which you can cook up some new dishes with new flavors...just saying--I can't cook so don't ask me for details or recipes?!)
It's like Monday & he'd due to do this on Wednesday
I realize I have 'not' signed up yet at E's Kitchen
I have only Liked the comment on Facebook--Opps!
(so when I get home do that Tout Suite!!)
Chat about his name being Jonathan
and I know another Chef Jonathan only he's in NOLA
at HerbSaint, after Cochon's closed here in Lafayette
(it's a small world of Chef Jonathan's mai wee cher?!)
So off to get signed up for Cooking Class on Wednesday
Wednesday evening rolls around & make it with minutes & seats to spare
In front of me the nicest man I think I've ever sat next to
he makes sure I have a copy of the recipe
& passes to me in the very back the sample first of the white choc bacon bread pudding
I cannot hardly believe they gave us all the recipe--what new chef, what new restaurant does that?!
of course he makes it look all easy & I know, in my heart of hearts, mine will 'not' (ever) turn out the lip (aka pout pout)...sigh...but I 'will' try, one day, one day soon (when there's like 25 people in my house because there cannot be any leftovers?!)
Watching Jonathan demo the cooking, at E's Kitchen Demo Kitchen with a mirror up on the ceiling now so you can see it all, I find the one gadget he uses so fascinating I have to buy one...
And another pout comes on when I find out they don't have any more than that one
but they can be ordered
unless...wait...I can buy that one, that very one, Paul washes it off & it's mine...
Cleverest gadget I've seen in long while
it's a flat whisk then with the turn of the handle bottom, it's a full out whole/round whisk
and it's got coated wires so it won't scratch your coated fry pans when you need to whisk eggs or cream or whatever else (say cream with white chocolate chunks in it?!)
Can't wait to give a bunch for gifts, watch out--you may get one in the mail (outta the blue even...)
Twist Whisk by Joseph Joseph (trademark) - on order at E's Kitchen
(says he thinks that's the only color, could care as long as it keeps going from flat to full?! or too funny on one webpage they describe it as going from flat to balloon...)
Well, the whole bunch of owners of Brick & Spoon are in the house too
Two from Lafayette, One from Orange Beach (as in Alabama, not FL or CA)
Of all the names this owner/manager's name is Mr Beach
With that bit of trivia, his last name, I answer the trivia question to win a Brick & Spoon Mug
inside a postcard invite to the soft opening on Saturday at 7:00pm
OK I admit I was a bit excited, we all were, as we would not just raise our hands but all yell out the answer--like to the First Trivia Question, so that the Second one I couldn't help it & did the same...
but Hey I raised my hand, thought he pointed at me & I yelled...uh--called out the answer: "BEACH"
I was happy with the coffee mug & tiny ceramic spoon in the handle, they have them at their restaurant--I was extra happy then to find a postcard invite inside, really the chef had to tell me it was in there as I carried it around checking out the spoon probably or the saying on the back...
A morning ritual that's
anything but routine
*_____Lafayette, LA_____*
Brick & Spoon on the front
with their spoon logo
At the Soft Opening with Invite postcard in hand, went at like 7:30pm & place was packed
stood at the bar end, had a mug of coffee from the airpump pot--asking Where's the Espresso Machine? told it was due in that night, they were all going to get trained on it & espresso in the morning...All righty then, I was gonna come back--just for that...
Hearing that their coffee was going to be Cuvee Coffee Roasters out of Austin, TX
that Thomas at The Lab Experience/The Lab Handcrafted Coffee & Comforts in River Ranch
was behind that--he's going to keep up the Barista's & training I think when Mike/Lorenzo with Cuvee can't come to town (that is until someone starts roasting good coffee in Louisiana so's folks can order Local?!)
link to Cuvee Coffee...
(note: have met Lorenzo on a number of visits to Carpe Diem Gelato & Espresso, then when Cafe Cohen was in Great Harvest Bread Co & maybe even at The Lab--now will just miss him when he's in with Mike/#TeamCuvee to setup/train the staff at Brick & Spoon...maybe another trip from Austin to Lafayette, since I think they're getting hooked on Cajun Food--say Gumbo for one thing?!)
link to The Lab Experience/The Lab Handcrafted Coffee & Creams...
(note: owner couple--Thomas & Pam these two foodie crafty coffee folks?!)
Got the chance at the bar to find out who the Artist was that painted the local art in Brick & Spoon...
Carlos Lopez--or he signs "los" & then meet him too, just 2 people down from the end of the bar--nearly under his main painting up above the bar & kitchen window...
Brick & Spoon
local artist Carlos Lopez "los" interpretation
crazy busy in the kitchen at the Soft Opening - Brick & Spoon
Exec Chef Jonathan at work
can't believe they were serving full out samples off the menu
not just tiny appetizers
since full tables & me solo went with coffee knowing I'd be back
poor thing couldn't even wave--in the Zone!
Brick & Spoon during the day before the evenings Soft Opening
sign at the shops that includes Brick & Spoon
space they're in use to be Fatty J's Pizza Joint I'm told
Opening Day - Wednesday
back for Espresso--but Nooo...
machine isn't in until the evening, when everybody will be trained on it
so in the morning there will be Espresso
not to be without they have The Lab/Thomas to the rescue with Cuvee Coffee
in airpump carafe's - so a mug of coffee w/cream then
to go with my breakfast/brunch choice
of Stuffed French Toast Slider with a side of berries
such a perfect size
that's marscapone & whipped cream cheese inside for the stuffing very delish...powered sugar to swirl around in & syrup
(so far it's my fav dish, but I've tried 2--we'll see if it stays on top?!)
Back on Thursday - Day Two
back for Espresso--but Nooo...
the Italian Espresso machine has blown a gasket
worse than an Italian Sportscar--say a Ferrari right?!
But help/the part is on it's way & they say it'll be up & running tomorrow
that will be Friday (I will bring friends--who knows, may have more than just an espresso too?!)
until Espresso (racing) Machine beside the sunflower is operational
will have a French Press in my Brick & Stone mug (love that tiny ceramic demi-spoon)
still it's Cuvee Coffee so it tastes good
decide while I'm there why not order Take Away, treat the spouse to lunch...
so a Cali Burger with rosemary/sea salt chips on the side for him (no photo, he ate it Tout Suite?!)
Benedict PoBoy without the French Bread for me--went with the Classic English Muffin
those are Gotreaux eggs, such a rich golden yellow color when you break them open
(see link below, check out the local family farm--more than just eggs btw)
Back on Friday - Day Three
Noo...another day w/o espresso...but hear the good news, tomorrow the part will be in & the Italian (aka Ferrari) Machine will be up & ready to go Go GO...or so I hope, but to be sure I may wait til Monday--there's still more tweaking/staff training...but never fear Thomas/The Lab will be there to "make it so" - for now there's not just a French Press but the other airpot machine that's working, so have a cup of two of Cuvee Coffee the old school way & wait, patiently til the w/e passes (plus they prob's want a break from seeing me, their new regular customer--maybe I could be the weekday regular & they can have another weekend regular?!)
Brunch/Lunch order with a friend, we sat outside on the patio watching the rain/rain clouds, in the cool wet fresh air, we could pretend we live somewhere's else other than Southern Louisiana - but when the heat comes they'll be prepared with outdoor circulating old fashion looking fans up above
(didn't notice before but there's a TV outdoors to one section & that's in addition to the 2 TV's up above the bar indoors - not that I like/watch TV while I'm eating, but it's there for those that do...)
Deviled Eggs with all Shrimp
there is a choice of one Oyster, but I'm not a fan
aren't these so cute & delish too--who needs a fork/knife
I picked them up with my fingers--to me they are starters
& so finger food I'd say
rosemary sea salt chips
we shared
but forgot to snap a pick of my friends Spinach Salad with Grilled Veggies
tossed in a vinagrette...looked like a great salad, she thought so too
mentioned Lafayette is a hard place to find a good salad
(later she'll meet the chef & they can hardly come up with 2 places in town
where you might get a good salad...Well, now we know where there's a 3rd place?!)
fig cake with ice cream
we shared this too - that way you get to eat more
when you just eat half
there's pecans in there as well
even love the tiny shiny stainless bowl with 2 handles
and didn't notice the super shiny spoon til now--I see me in it?!
more art inside ?? (shhh...the Water Closet--outdoors...)
am wondering if this is painted by "los" too, tho don't see his signature
I see a "u" - will ask another time, as I'll be back (for an espresso)
now am also pondering if the guy's get a guy walking on the other half
in their Water Closet right?! hmm...sending a guy in to tell me, another time...
I am losing track of how many things I think these guys/gals are doing right!!
To be continued on Monday--when I (finally) get my Espresso?!
link to my foodie friend's article in the Acadiana Gazette about our brunch/lunch visit...
(note: my 15 min's of-newspaper foodie article-fame...LoL...I will be watching--no more outings with my friend when she has a camera 'round her neck hah?!)
photo credit: Chere Coen - Acadiana Gazette - grilled veggie salad
(so I'll borrow her photo of her salad at Brick & Spoon...mwah hah hah...)
Chere Coen
(aka my friend who writes a lot & carries a camera--watch out?!)
bio photo from Louisiana Road Trips & at least one of her Blogs
note: because she used my photo am gonna use hers too...
this girl 'always' has a smile on her face, it's catching too!! :oD
link to Louisiana Road Trips...
link to one of her Blogs--Have Books, Will Travel, Let's Eat...
Saturday/Sunday (Mother's Day Brunch) - Skip
Not only No Espresso but Closed due to 'extraneous circumstances' (or so they say on FB)
Maybe there will be Espresso--is anticipation good for you, if so then I'm set even before I get there...
Uh Nooo--again there is no working Espresso Machine, tho the part is in it I'm told...but never fear Thomas (aka the Coffee Knight) from The Lab Handcrafted Comforts & Creams is working his magic over it--so by tomorrow...
Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow...and tomorrow is just a day away...
(isn't that how that Annie song goes...fitting...)
So what to do--have regular airpot Cuvee Coffee with cream instead...and...
Shrimp & Grits--my in 'not' on the menu way with all the 'stuff' mixed in - which of course the FAB Exec Chef Jonathan will do...Yay!
my plain Shrimp & Grits
love me some grits with whole corn kernals in it
buttery, warmy 'n sticky bits...mmm...
Wednesday - skip (really I can't go e-v-e-r-y day...sigh...)
Thursday - the day I get an espresso...
(there should be music--instead there's wind)
See the Espresso Machine is working when I walk in, with the grinder at it's side full of Cuvee Coffee beans...a good sign...
Was suppose to meet a friend there whose daughter got sick in the morning, so she couldn't come...then had reminded my realtor she'd not been yet & she text me she was going out after a Open House so she'd stop by the Brick & Spoon - would be great fun to hear she'd been taking all (OK--many of) her Real Estate clients there for breakfast/brunch/lunch while out House Hunting right?!
Today even though a blustery day, sat out on the patio, with things falling over right & left...
had to order me those Beautiful Beignets & of course coffee with espresso in it--how to put that machine to the test? hmm...Well, went with the Cappuccino--that came out in a glass with a tiny latte art letter character in the middle of it (nice try Mr...) Not your usual way to serve a Cappuccino
link to Wiki--What is a Beignet...
link to a History of & a Recipe for Beignets...What's Cooking America...
photo credit:
the infamous Cafe du Monde Beignets in New Orleans French Quarter
from What's Cooking America webpage
on the History of & a Recipe for Beignets
It was great tasty fun to have Brick & Spoon Beignets with Fig Jam to spread on them, bit harder to dip in the tiny cup on the plate--maybe a ramekin next time (but who am I) fig spreads, especially on goat cheese & crackers...
And of course got an espresso coffee on the side (next time I'll try a straight up tried & true simple espresso--since I know the coffee is good?!)
I was not convinced it was the best coffee to put in a thin glass, so always open to suggestions I said they could use maybe a thicker glass if not a ceramic one-they do listen, which is nice-as they're being different but really are doing things right in so many other ways it's hard to keep count so I can't complain while they're hardly a Week Old...
Bea-u-ti-ful Beignets with fig jam
an early attempt at a capucciono from the new Italian expresso machine
with a touch of latte art lettering to top it off
(I know I'd never try it--these fancy machines scare the...uh hum out of me?!)
I've still got fingers crossed they'll have a full time Barista on staff one day--soon?!
They have an Exec Chef in the kitchen why not a Barista at the coffee bar along with the Bartender at the Bar's all Foodie Art in my book?!
Well the Will-I-Get-An-Espreso Saga is over--I got an espresso, kinda sorta...cappuccino...may go back next week for another try at it, but off for the weekend to Houston, TX where I'll check out Montrose & look for that new location of the next Restaurant Opening for Brick & Spoon after Orange Beach, AL opens (with I don't know when Baton Rouge/New Orleans will open following)--something to look forward to when traveling around LA, TX or AL?!
Off to have other Foodie/Coffee Adventures...
~~~ *** ~~~
link to Brick & Spoon Webpage...(or it's Coming Soon)
(note: right now you can sign up for their e-newsletter, which I did...)
Later I'll find out Adcetera in Houston, TX is their Ad/Design company
Because--not that they're not staying local, it's just they're a Franchise
and they'll be in Houston, TX soon too
(note: have read in the Montrose area, maybe where Brocados use to be...)
link to Adcetera...
"You're in the Creative Jungle
We'll be your machete."
link to their Blog--under Thinking...
(note: don't see mention of Brick & Stone anything yet, but they must be busy)
Right now they are in Lafayette, Baton Rouge, soon to be NOLA/New Orleans
next up will be Orange Beach, AL
followed by Houston, TX
and then ?? who knows
all that in 2013--what a good year for Brunch!!
I love hearing how much they're trying to support Local
Local Farmers like Gotreaux Family Farms for all their eggs
(they must go thru a lot of eggs...
in the White Choc Bacon Bread Pudding I think there were 12 eggs?!)
link to the Gotreaux Family Farms--not just eggs...
link to Brick & Spoon Facebook page...
(note: their Menu is on there...the webpage still "coming soon" aka under construction)
link directly to Brick & Spoon Facebook page - Menu...
(note: so far, have tried the Stuffed French Toast Sliders with Berries, the coffee, the French Press coffee & next up will be an Espresso! Took Takeout to my spouse, a Cali Burger on Pretzel Bun with a side of Rosemary SeaSalt Potato Chips...and for me--a Benedict Poboy without the French Bread, so I guess that makes it a Classic on an English Muffin instead with a side of Pomme Frites...aka French a tiny fruit far so Wonderful, can't wait for more--like every item on the menu, or maybe we'll try every item...or I'll make my friends/family try something we haven't so I can have a taste too right?!)
link to Brick & Spoon LA Twitter...
(note: Brick & Spoon for LA/ guessing there could be a brickandspoon___
fill in with AL & TX soon, then whatever state thereafter...)
link to Brick & Spoon Restaurant Pinterest...
link to Brick & Spoon on Yelp...
"Think of it as an expansion of your culinary comfort zone--daily."
In the restaurant there's a...Bryan, Ryan, Jeff, Jordon (or so far that I've met)
but don't ask me who's an owner/manager/bartender/??
or yet--I'll get to be a regular (on first name basis) yet?!
Plus of course there's the Exec Chef Jonathan
(am hoping he's not just a startup guy in the kitchen...really hope that's not the case & he'll stay forever--or he best train up some Chefs to be 'as good as' if he does go--fingers crossed?!)
link to their 1st Review--by me...(haven't done one in long while, if ever?!)
link to The Ind article--Brick & Spoon Serving a New Take on Brunch by Elizabeth Rose...
[The owners also designed the menu and they wanted it to be “as creative as possible,” says Trahan. “We want people to like what we do. We don’t want to be something that you can find anywhere. We want it to be unique to us.”]
link to 2nd The Ind article---Brick & Spoon Opens Wednesday...
link to Developing Lafayette - Facebook Page - Comments on Brick & Spoon...
(note: who signed up for the Brick & Spoon Newsletter before I did off their Coming Soon Brick & Spoon webpage...Go to Tues Facebook post where Developing Lafayette shares a link to a Notice on the Brick & Spoon Newsletter--includes mention of Mother's Day Brunch with a band to play & that you can Rent the place out for a Night, that would be so incredibly hoping someone I know does that & soon?!)
link to about Brick & Spoon's Trademark by Eggspressions of North America in Lafayette, LA...
(if you're curious like me & like to know who's behind Behind things...)
I've been back since...
July 25, 2013 There was French Toast
they posted photos on Facebook--I couldn't not look
I couldn't not go & order them
I don't know how they get it that thick 'n fluffy
yes there was butter
and yes there was powdered sugar
plus it's all really just healthy with those fresh fruits
Jonathan was in the kitchen--seriously...
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