aka Happy Hens Living Outdoors
From the Recyle Egg Carton I read...
At Alfresco Farms we emply the most sutainable, natura farming methods possible.
For us, this means our girls outside on lush green pastures where they live and forage outside in fresh air and sunshine. The respect we pay the birds is returned to us through the most delicious eggs you'll ever taste.
Certified Humane - Raised & Handled
Pasture - Raised Eggs
Happy Hens Living Outdoors
AlFresco Farms
Tasty Goodness Laid in the USA
Ethical Eggs
The Real Free - Range
12 Grade-A Brown
From the wee mini newsletter on neon green paper on the inside of the Egg Carton I read...
"Alfresco Farms News
Regional Edition
Volume 1, Issue 2
Pasture-raised, Certified Humane eggs from farmers who care.
At Alfresco Farms, we work with nature to create the very best egg possible.
On our small family farms, we treat the land and our ladies with the respect they deservie; this means we never use pesticides or herbicides and we provide our girls with more space per bird than any other egg farms in the country.
Though not USDA Certified Organic, these eggs contain all the benefits of a pastrue-raised lifestyle; they are tastier and more nutritious, without the higher cost due to organic feed.
If eating organic is important to you, try Vital Farms pasture-raised organic eggs.
Our farmers have set the standard for the type of humane, back-to-basics farming that we can all be proud of.
Thanks for supporting our efforts.
(Psst! Don't toss it, share the news with a friend!)
Copyright Vital Farms, Inc.
Tasty goodness, laid in the USA!
Alfresco Farms is part of the Vital Farms network of family farms.
Certified Humane - Raised & Handled"
(note: so I'm doing just that--am sharing the news, only instead of passing on the wee green piece of paper with the mini newsletter on it I've copied this volume/issue onto my Blog...am hoping they won't mind, thank you Alfresco Farms/Vital Farms for being human/humane?!)
Link to Vital Farms - behind Alfresco Farms...

Help Vital Farms Free the Birds...YouTube...
Where to find their Eggs in Louisiana...
(note: Lafayette - The Fresh Market - where I got mine...
http://www.thefreshmarket.com/ )
Vital Farms (aka Alfresco Farms) has a Blog too...
3 more Chicken Farm Videos on YouTube...

Vital Farms - Whole Foods...
Link to Whole Foods Market...
(note: Louisiana has 1 in Baton Rouge, 1 in Metairie & I think a new 1 in New Orleans...
but sadly, pout-pout, not in Lafayette...though there have been rumors, then there have been more rumors, but still we do not have a Whole Foods Market...we have a Fresh Market, so that is something...something, but not all...until another time...)

Vital Farms - Winter Pasture...

Vital Farms - Austin, TX...
(note: just another reason to like that place--Austin, Texas...
why we couldn't of moved there instead of Houston 3 times earlier...sigh...well, nevermind I can still drive on over & visit...not so sure off to the chicken farm, there's so much more there in Austin?!)
And if you want more than the eggs...
Well, there's the broiler hens/chickens too under their Backyard Birds brand...

FlyingPigFarms - At Our Farm...
(note: I've never ever seen a pig in the snow,
only in the mud--so this is a treat...
so pigs here are pasture-raised come sun or snow?!)
The first I'd read about Humanely Raised Meat was about a Pig Farm called Flying Pigs Farm - so here's the link if you want to read more about sustainable agriculture in yet another pasture-raised animal or I'll call them Happy Hogs Going Hog Wild in the Woods...
Note: if you really, Really want to get up close & personal--you can go stay down on the farm in their renovated barn...in the Battenkill River Valley...
"Located just 45 minutes from Saratoga Springs, Albany, and Manchester, VT...
The apartment is part of a newly-restored 19th century barn here at the farm..."

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