Floyd Willis
Owner/Barista/Photographer of Americas Coffee House - Lafayette, LA
Find him for the moment on Facebook: www.facebook.com/floydwillis.flw
Or on Twitter: @CoffeeAmericas
But continue to hope he'll start up a webpage & include all his great photos of America too - or better yet put them & coffee house stories into a book one day?!Once a month I also try to go in for my usual--that Floyd knows right off & my name, very nice that...
Once a month on the 1st Friday Social Media Breakfast meets here...Once a month he holds a Graphic Artist's Night - leaving their colorful creative talents showing on paper coffee cups, displayed on a shelf in the Coffee House...
Burt's graphic art must be in there somewheres--they need a list of these guys, so we can go discover them?!
(I now have Burt's work on my new Tom's shoes - from event at Pack & Paddle this w/e?!)
Coffee & Blue--so perfect for me, only missing an old green Volvo...
My new Tom's Shoes at Pack & Paddle - 1 for 1 plus art, how great is that?!
Art by Cootie Von Ghoul - borrowed from http://www.pinuplifestyle.com/ where there's an album posted & you can see for real at Americas Coffee House in downtown Lafayette...(I like her, w/o even meeting her yet?!)
Once a month a new artist gets to share a part of the wall with Floyd's Americas photos - this month it's
Cootie Von Ghoul's (I so want her little green ghoul girl with a pink bow in her hair on the wall of my office room...if I get it, or the paper version that I can afford, then I'll have another post up to follow?!)
Now this month, new neighbors & maybe even a new door - upstairs Buchanan Lofts...
Coffee House Photo Credits:
All Floyd Willis borrowed from his Facebook page (hope he doesn't mind?!)
Go in & see his photos of America - have told him he needs to go out & travel more & soon (you know, for that book to be?!)
Update - June 2011 - I Am Downtown - Floyd Willis - Americas Coffee House
"My favorite part of being Downtown, is wondering who’s going to walk through my door next. I love being able to provide a place for people gather, meet, share ideas, or just grab a good cup of coffee on the way to the office,” said Willis. (quote)
And I like that too--plus while I'm there I never know who I'm going to run into?! I'm thinking it's more than just a Coffee House as we think of them today, it's got more that feel of the original idea of the Coffee House as a gathering place for people & ideas (things just start or is 'brew' there?!)
link to article & a video...
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