in the shop...
on the wild side...
but first Thai
I don't know how they oragami'd that napkin like that
and then there was Thai Coffee--so very sweet (when I thought nothing could be sweeter than sweet tea)
the seafood treasure was a surprise, it wasn't mine but it was fun to see come out to the table
link to Nidda Thai Cuisine restaurant...
note: Thai toasts & Nidda Salad were my fav (but then I love crispy tofu)
Houston, TX
that flag, you can't tell, is so enormous--I can hear it flapping over the noise of the rain thru the hotel window
oddly there is screen in the window at the hotel (mind you in a modern, updated, fun hotel)
Blacksmith Coffee
Lucky Cat collection (some with price tags still on...I wanted to ask if tiny yellow one was really for sale or they'd forgotten to take the tag off--but I didn't)
wallpaper, loved the design, is that dated or is it new or is it new made to look old - black & white graphics pull me in (like babies with mobiles in black & white over their cribs...I am mesmerized...)
link to fb pg, don't find a webpg...
Lucky Cat Wiki...
note: read this you know in case you live under a rock 'n never saw one or heard of one before
(talk about a sheltered life then...)
description from fits these guys pretty darn well...
The epitome of creepy-cute, these Max & Moritz Salt and Pepper Shakers
were designed by Chris Collicot for Kikkerland...
(I know I couldn't have them looking at me all day or night from the kitchen--so no, no way...)
Take a the shop...on the wild side...
4 floors or creative energy, topped off by a top floor to wander thru the sale items
strewn every which way, as it should be, like a bazaar or a souk--gawd I miss a good souk...sigh...
but this will do, in a pinch...
sense of touch & sight very happy in here, if only there were spices (like at the souks) then it would be grand
btw I am in (lust) love with this warehouse of a store...I will return to wander & wander, another day away...
link to the store, there is as well (of course) a catalog...
note: lots of fun to wander past a whole side of a room dedicated to being set up for photos
all the set ups were marked 'not' to move anything for the photoshoot...
but alas I musta missed it as there was already a man with a skateboard type cart already as if it were all done, wheeling chairs, etc's away...

2013 Summer Catalog
another link, another of their shops--but just for Fabrics...their High Fashion Fabrics shop, just across the side street from them...
another note: there is a whole other just Fabric Shop as well as the Home Shop...if I were a fabric/sewing person I would be in awe as well over there, just cross the side street, I'm sure...
for summer...the bbq--in fabric...oh why not
it's kinda looking like a robot, alien, crown kind of image anyway to me
if nothing else there is orange, red orange, orange going on all over it
ps: the horse photos were all for my sis, of the Rescue Ranch--got a dozen horses kind of gal...
another coffee...iced coffee...
this one a Vietnamese coffee
less sweet/more strong, after that couldn't tell
take a walk...outside a shop...on the wilder side...
Party not just interesting on the inside--be sure to walk the outside...
then keep going into the next building where there is a warehouse of costumes
for only $100 bucks can put together a Steampunk costume for 2 or 3 days
that you can take from Houston back to say Lafayette then ship it back when you're done
come November 9th, or before, with the Steampunk Festival & Maker's Fair going on in downtown Lafayette, LA
I may just reconsider to drive back earlier to Houston to rent me a whole costume
then take a million photos & I'm good--one day I may own such a thing, but until then renting is fine with me
(well I did buy a brown felt top hat & a vest to start a costume with--it's a start...)
link to Party Boy...
(note: don't get excited, there is 'not' a link to the warehouse of costumes--so you can't see them all online, you have to go there...I need to go back, check it out like a library or a bookshop--see what I can put together...try a few, few too many, things on--then we'll see if I'll end up with my very own Steampunk costume or not, day...

a sneak peek inside...Party Boy's costume warehouse...

and I did find a top hat, brown, felt/fuzzy, nearly like this one...
what could I do with it--well I went to look see...
I like this idea to start: brown/yellow feathers, some pin on lapel type mini gears, prob a clock or some watch gears, plus coppery eye goggles...(and me, I want to add some buttons somewheres--I envision a vest as well, covered in buttons...if not completely...but can I sew that many buttons, hmm...)
from a thumbnail photo, the webpage will not come up on Chrome
also cannot search for the hat for halloween link below--I get an Opps
took note that there was a box & a blank on my blog post so went to look for the photo
I did not copy it into my picture file, so went back to find it by Google Search
this may or may not have been the hat--but it's the idea
add feathers, gears, watch parts or keys or etc plus goggles & voila--a Steampunk hat?!
thank you
note: tho it says for Halloween, works for Steampunk Festivals as well...
of course too there has to be an octupus, a kraken...
or--there is this octupus...whoa...I may have to look up all the different kinds of octupus...

can you say bizarre-o
oh my
from Wiki
he's a--Cirrothauma murrayi (octupus)
drawn sometime in 1910
if you believed in nightmares, aliens & such
(the Kraken is looking really lovely right about now...)
enough--I will stop before I go to bed or I will have octupus filled nightmares for sure
like ear worm music, I must now go look at a lot of something else...
oh wait--there was more shopping, there was more coffee...
NL aka No Label Beer
the choices at Spec's
I was sent to Oh just pick up a sixpack while you're in town...uh huh...
so there are no less than 5 choices--I was told 'not' to choose the jalapeno pepper beer
well that was the 1 choice they didn't have
rest of the story--pale ale won out
somebody I know knows somebody who knows/is perhaps related to somebody at this crafty brewery
link to NL/No Label Beer...
"friends, sunshine, beer
no labels necessary"
that's their line, not mine...
link to Specs - wines, liquors store...
note: they're huge, they're in houston, they're in Texas, they're Texas-size
started with (iced) coffee...end with (not iced) coffee
espresso--cortado, on the go
plus a garden of 'Goofy' grafitti art, street art
in the making or it's what you do with a broken pot
the clean white chalky surface was too much for someone
they had to draw, they had to draw 'Goofy'
Oh really why not
link to Catalina Coffee...
there's prob already lots & lots, loads even, of coffee photos online
so why not a pot of cactus with 'Goof' Grafitti
(now I've nearly forgotten about creepy cute salt/pepper shakers or ancient octupus...nearly...)