whenever can get to computer upstairs as right now no stairs - remodeling
but perhaps the netbook will work out in mean time & with the cell phone photos to DropBox
until the point 'n shoot camera photos are uploaded to the PC, these will have to do
in the beginning...there was packing - which even after many a city/state/country trip & living years as an ExPat I'm still the worst & always Always pack too much/not enough, it never fails (Yes I will buy something/s too when I get there as well to have to pack on return...)
on my FB page someone mentioned it sounded like I would need a Sherpa for the list of things I said I was packing in my beloved spinner bag--I liked that idea, it would be Fab to have a packing Sherpa & a carrying Sherpa as well (even while domestic traveling?!)
thank the inventive/creative/patent universe for luggage on wheels, in this case Samsonite--or I would prob not still be traveling!
Mandalay Bay - 11th floor room
has a Strip/Airport view
large suite w/double sinks & TV for viewing from the jacuzzi tub
(who has time to soak in a tub--then came the tatt so no soaking in anything?!)
link to the hotel/casino complex, as it's tooted as having 11 acres of pool, including the Lazy River & 7 Falls & there's the adjacent Events/Convention Center (where the SEG will meet for the week, which is why we are here--mostly & to check Vegas off the Never Traveled to Before List) or a Wedding chapel or spa or shops or restaurants or House of Blues or ???--what to properly call these Monsters, there needs to be a new word coined...City of Mandalay Bay, Village of Mandalay Bay?!
link to Mandalay Bay Beast...

snacks/water bottle wooden tray next to this is wired, so we were warned it's weighted--if you pick up any item on it you get charged (we did not touch it) & here locked up under a case is the mini Patron & to it's right I think Vodka, possibly Grey Goose...still Patron?? & you have the key, next to a tray of nuts & candy & water bottles...so say just 'if' you drink/gamble & come into your room without a care in the world what are the odds you'd be willing to pick up anything at all to eat/drink or unlock this wee (evil) case for something special to celebrate?? I thought this was all very unkind--as was the fact there was no coffee/tea maker in the room at all?!
on floor C - aka Casino
here sits a Van Helsing's betting machine (not really a slot machine)
so teased the theater folks some back home who had just done Dracula for Halloween--
here he shows up again, only instead of going after blood there's a money draining to be going on if you try & play the game (this also is a lot more handsome a Van Helsing character)
me, I don't gamble (nor drink) so I refuse to put a penny or a dollar in anything like this
but in Vegas I can lose my money elsewhere (there will be shopping & a tatt coming my way that I will be throwing dollars at instead--we all have our vices eh....)
at the Mandalay Bay Noodle House there is this menu posted outfront
all looking rather normal, with typical selections & a bit higher prices
until you get to 2 items
Birds Nest Soup is something like $98.00??
so some of us standing around said it must be it's a whole bird in a nest?
I'm thinking eeewww...I don't want to find out?!
directly under it another item at $88.00?? the 2nd most pricey item on the menu
braised whole abalone--so is that tuna? a tuna fish at this price...
braised whole abalone--so is that tuna? a tuna fish at this price...
again I just don't want to ask & will 'not' be ordering either
(later we will go for lettuce wraps, soup & din sum - sp? - which will all be tasty & not 'this' expensive...
in our rush to eat/run we forget to ask the waitress what's up with these 2 items afterall...)
my fav photo on the floor of the SEG convention
tho of course I didn't spend days in there & did not visit every space
love these modern chairs & the colors - could be possibly any age/any space
after this will have the best tiny plate of appetizers before the table is rolled away
mini beef puff pastry the French way was one of the yummyest
so what to do? wander over to the Arabic vendor space for Arabic coffee in mini mouthwash paper cup--
only to find out that it's the 'golden' coffee that I made the mistake of buying once while living in Doha, Qatar
ít's a spiced coffee with Cardamon in it & a distinct flavor, it's a good thing it was so tiny a cup
after that what better for dessert but lovely whole dates on a tiny fork, complete with pitts
(something I did enjoy learning to eat while living in the desert, as was drinking perfect mint teas?!)

frog/lizard/diety in cement in a fountain in Mandalay Bay after the Casino or really the lines get confusing, where one thing ends & another starts...it's all Adult Disney--all of Vegas is...sigh...
after-party number one...
The Irish Pub - still in Mandalay Bay (you don't have to really leave the place, it's acres...) it's a real one in all it's parts & including the real Irish band...will see this on the TV the next day, where there's a dedicated Mandalay Bay Channel & a girlie girl walks around to visit everything & talk to everybody who owns anything (imagine she's also shopping...)
plus there's real Irish fan couple in the crowd, she in orage shirt/he in what I'd call a Mardi Gras Leprechan outfit - with a blinking necklace/shamrock & something in their hands that also lit up when you moved them, which they did in beat with a number of the traditional songs like you might raise a sword...
not to mention wanna be Irish ones doing the Irish jig of some sort (under the influence of say a Guinness or a pint of some such or maybe even an Irish Coffee am guessing?!)
after Googling the band name am confused, from the lead singer I thought he said the Wolfe Tones - but then from Wiki he looks like Noel Nagel, tho the rest of this band at The Irish Pub were all young folks...so a new version of the Irish Rebel Music that started back when with others in the band--they did do a number of their famous songs I read now, tho didn't know while listening to them thought some must be very traditional Irish music, like the one about the Potato Famine...
and as this band/leader or Irish go there's a story long or short behind every song & every song was given an intro--in what I couldn't understand of an Irish/Dublin accent, sorry to say?!
read more here at this link...
Day Two - shopping adventure at the Forum Shops, outside Ceasars Palace
$10 Taxi ride between the two of us--more time for window shopping...
or Palazza strolling, past Gigantic fountains, with daylight in one section & dim night skies in another--with stars?! (later will read the architect that built the Bellagio fountains may have built these too, but don't quote me--hah...make that on pretty much anything?!)
as an aside all this sky painting & tops of what look like roughly Italian faux fronts/rooftops all remind me of the Villagio Mall from back in Doha, Qatar (am guessing they copied somebody) - fun to see this all again, it's a lovely illusion that makes you feel like you are outdoors...with the air space all around & the sky painted above & the high roof tops above the shops, if the sky moved they would have me totally caught up in the illusion...hmmm...
start daydreaming SciFi & wonder is this what life in future will be, trapped always indoors with the illusion of outdoors--as my son wrote when he was a kid, his story the treees were brought indoors to preserve them & each house would have a single tree in their house to keep care of...sad in a way, but you start to wonder at times is he that far off?!
still I'm in Adult Disney--so must march on to a different beat of the Mickey Mouse drum...
How Fabulous the ceramic flowers at Louis Vuitton
like Window Art--use to daydream of being a Window Dresser...
H&M here is the largest in the world--which I read, but walking around it with all the youthful directed clothing I was dissapointed...as I have been to this shop in Doha, Qatar & found it a lot more diversified in selections/depts - like there was a housewares for instance, but here it looks like nearly all one Dept on 3 floors?!
plus my friend & I spotted a skull tank top on sale, perhaps leftover from Halloween--which we thought we'd check out coming back down from the 3rd floor, only to find it gone when we did & nobody around to ask where did it go...she tried on few things & we gave up, left empty handed from the Largest H&M...sigh...wondering how could that happen, but there are so many more marvelous wonders to behold in the Forum Shops--onward Shoppers March?!
fuel stop--lunch at Planet Hollywood--not because of loving it like those that visit Hard Rock Cafes all over the world, but the Kobe Beef Burger I had was delish (which I wasn't totally won over with the idea of Kobe beef--this was from American Kobe Cows I'm told...I do often wish I could be a Carrot Cruncher, but have very little will power in the end...shakes head--tell myself I'm on Vacation, I cannot get ''deep" into anything...)
their place setting gave you something to do too--try to recall all the movies "Awnold" has ever been in & which ones did he say these lines in...could only come up with either T-1 or T-2 or something to do with babysitting movies hah?!
out on their patio/balcony there was the view of Paris - Madame Eiffel - which I adore anywhere & everywhere, but esp the real one in Paris, France?!
looking around on the way out spot this great wallpaper 'n girl?!
wonder now if they didn't paint the little actress in the movie but had this faux one with the wall prop done/filmed instead
The Addams Family daughter, was her name Wednesday--her brother Pugsley...but was this from games they played at home or was this during the time at Summer Camp (still find it hard to put this girl together with what she's grown up to be, a big girl--all over...)
love the painted illusion & reminds me of the professional model that use to get painted up as animals or in designs where she would disappear into the scene behind her (was it Varuschka--aka Vera) & then more recently movies with Sherlock Holmes painted up to look like say a cushioned drawing room chair?!
Movie: Addams Family Values 1993
(their 2nd movie - taken from the 1960's TV show, that I use to watch & love...along with The Monsters?!)
House of Blues in Mandalay Bay
Art bench, wooden, painted skeletons, license plate seats (shiny) with locks & keys hanging all over this one & others along the walkway (would love to create one, as would guess can't afford one?!)
Santana...The Santana is playing at the House of Blues - a whole wall of posters of what may be shows or album art (not sure as I was never a super fan but many a song I have loved of his,) 1st show started on Wednesday but we have plans (that include the boss & the boss's wife so we have no chance of ditching that dinner...then too these tickets are $89 for standing room & starting at $100 for a seat in the house?!)
inside the House of Blues shop find Santana's Milagro's items for sale that go 100 percent to a children's charity/foundation he's involved in...so of course I found a heart or two in a pin (1 as a gift, so will post a pic of only mine - now pinned on my Prana purse, since it's fabric it's easily done...)
Milagro = Miracle
the link to Milagro Foundation...
another after party--this time a dinner at The China Grill
my name tag & event menu
someone missed us wive's first names at our table
looking at the menu we thought we had a choice of each course...
only to find out we were going to get everything on this menu??!!
granted it was all de lish ous - but why oh why so much food
I 'had' to have coffee at the end for the poor digestive system
(if I were on Twitter this would be a #firstworldproblem)
would of loved to have gone back to find out what was mixed in with the chocolate or filling in the many layered cake (one of the multiple desserts like the rest of the menu) that had the taste of pepper in it somewheres & I don't usually like hot spicy stuff with my chocolate but this was so well/delicately done that my taste buds were happy (actually this at the end of all else they were just plain wore out so funny they'd get woke up by a spice touch?!)
Day Three - I think, so easy to lose track (then we've lost 2 hrs from traveling LA to NV & then another 1 hr from the time change-so already a confused body clock?!)
luncheon for Spouse Program with Lady Magician, an award winning one
we get those pashminas on all our chairs, I noticed the color right off
my chair was blue--good for a Pisces water sign...
as was the Koi fish for a tatt from Starlight Tattoo also in Mandalay Bay
Phil from Virginia, going back to, was the perfect artist for my skin art
he's working on a Kraken piece (aka Octopus, tho some say a Squid - or maybe both?!)
Koi fish are revered in Japan/China, a strong symbol but differing opions on color meanings
my two Koi will fade but orange & brown shading--which hurt less than the outlines...
it's a wonder no screaming or crying, just an eee...or an ugh...now & again over the 2 hrs was it?!
my tatt boy in the Army saw my new tatt pic on text & told me 'sweet fishes'- I agree?!
(now for saranwrap to sleep on, tape, non fragrance lotion, cleanser--will have to find the Drug Store down the Strip for tatt care supplies soon after this?!)
link to Mario Barth's Starlight Tattoo Vegas...
link to read more about the sea monster that is Kraken...
(note: missed this reference to Norway before, as in spotted off the coast of Norway...could the Vikings have encountered a Kraken? I wish I'd known to do more research while living in Stavanger, Norway at the time...sigh...cannot know everything--nor at the right time as well it seems?!)
A Kraken (aka colossal octopus) - per Wiki source:
back on SEG floor for free drinks, including a blinking martini glass or was that a margarita & pass by the middle of LatinNight going on in a packed vendor space - skip the arepas I can see thru the glass cubicle walls, as we lived in PLC Venezuela for a lot of years so have had them before & don't see any Salsa dancing going on which is what we'd like to see but were dancers in costume, one girl with a red head dress that must of weighed a ton?! (looked like bullfighter spikes with red ruffled paper/ribbon down it spread out like a turkey tail head dress-she should be attached to a float?!)
blinking martini/margarita glasses - from Overstock.com
but just like the ones on the SEG floor (those had 3 settings, so color changing, or one color or blinking - we did not carry these around to take back to room to then wash out/take apart/pack to take home...what an awful waste...do hope they sort to recycle at Mandalay Bay?!)
on to another after party at none other than Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, which took a tour bus ride from Shark Reef entrance of Mandalay Bay to the place or nearby in front of the Flamingo (loved their neon sign, in pink - so wanted to go to an Old School show, but never made it to any...sigh...nor a Cirque de Soilel show either)
besides Cheese Burgers in Paradise there was more & lei's of faux flowers & a club band, later a big B-Day cake - that we skipped no matter the 30yr Anniv for Landmark I think it was...but we were there to not win 1 of 3 iPads being raffled off & for the Volcano Act - dancing girl & 3 stilt walking guys who did a long theatrical/dance act thru the club, then up she goes up the volcano top near the ceiling, into the crater full of spraying lights/water, to slide down into the water tank bubbling & back up she goes on a giant hook (pulleys from the ceiling) to continue her cross between circus/stripper act, only no pole she has a giant silver hook to dance move on over the water tank, splashing water down to the floor (it's a wonder my phone camera caught anything in motion...)
btw we did not at any time spot Jimmy Buffett, except on the giant TV screens when we got to hear (I use that term loosely, as in a loud riotous bar of after partyers given 3 drinks each & warmed up for Volcano eruptions & such?!) a video song of his, love the shot of him in Bermuda shorts & flip flops--of course?!
link to Margaritaville Las Vegas...
link to Margaritaville Las Vegas - Volcano show (or 4 min 2010 version) - check out dancing girl swinging on a giant fish hook over the bubbling 'lava flow' - uh huh - but that is Jimmy Buffet singing in the background & up on the giant video screen...
note: there is at least a bar in NOLA also called Margaritaville, very tropical decor there too...as far as I know tho no Volcano show & it looks like from the Tour Schedule we just missed Jimmy Buffett who was in Vegas back Oct 27th--so close...we got a video show of his instead, maybe just as well...
Day Four, but who's counting--this from Sunday I think, is it Wednesday? hmmm...
anyways off for a stroll up down/all around Southend of the Strip - from an express tram at Mandalay Bay past Luxor to Excalibur, then a wild adventure up & down the escalators/stairs/crossover walkways of the Strip (aka the Las Vegas Strip...)
find the giant Walgreens & CVS across the street--these are Department Store size Drug Stores, enormous...I find all my tatt care products, a souvenir & a yogurt--cannot tell you how much miss some normal food, so much so that stand outside & eat my peach yogurt...so good...people watch, the things folks will wear in Vegas & really beers before lunch?? I think many get a kick outta wandering streets with drinks in their hands...sigh...also when I return back to hotel from a day of this I will have a sun pink chest & lungs that feel like they've breathed 2nd hand smoke all day long & my lips cannot be smeared with enough chapstick (this after living in the desert before, I have downed a lot of water--my water bottle attachment is close to baby bottle envy?!) Am wondering if Vegas is healthy & you'd have to work hard at being so if you actually lived here--then you'd prob never go to The Strip except once a year or with foolish visitors?!
continue past the M&M's shop, or after go in & up/down the stairs--could never work here can hardly shop, the smell of that sickly sweet chocolate all day long...ugh...no...I will buy nothing, it's a sad Sad display of consumerism / brand gone wild in the worst way...is it all Made in China as well, I will 'not' look...I also pass the Coca Cola shop--tho at night the neon up & down the Coke bottle is fun, Adult Disney I remind myself (best viewed from the outside & in short amounts of time...)
onward to find the Hard Rock Cafe sign which I'm told is where the Miracle Mile begins & was also told it was just 20 min's from the drug store, which feels like an hour ago at that point...time & distance are lost in Vegas/on the Strip...but do find the door & btw it is no miracle in this 1/2 circle mall--stop for green tea at a coffee shop that is not a Starbucks (they are hard to find, but I continue to try to find them...) there is an American Apparel shop full of T-shirts Made in the USA--wish they had one in Lafayette or LA somewheres, it's harder to shop online & am looking to have my Wardrobe Mistress T's printed on 100% cotton as well as Made in the USA (so few brands, it's sad, but I will support the local few!!)
saw 2 Tattoo places on my Walk About--1 on the street as a Kiosk, would never (how does the Health Inspection pass there?!) & the other 1 in the Mall, more a real shop/parlor - but more jewelery than tattoos am guessing, Oh the skulls & bling but a few other creatives...fun to see one had taken a bullet shell/added a crystal inside to stick out the end like a bullet head--which I've already found here in Lafayette last Xmas or before at the Boho Mercantile Bayou flea market, so it seems to be in the crafty psyche, like feathers...
finally make my way across the street before get to Paris (or is it Paris Paris like New York New York?) to where I saw the designer shops signs, where I find the window displays & the Mall interiors of more interest & snap a few pics...Louis Vitton again, the red&white polka dots, the octopus tentacles, the colorful ceramic flowers, then on to Jimmy Choo & the artists display out in the mall roped off & being guarded, in case someone tries to snatch a beglittering angel/devil teddy clutch or bag or what he's known for--shoes (have never entered his shop nor tried on a pair of shoes--but I know a working lady Norwegian who has been to NYC numerous times & owns numerous pairs of JC's shoes?!)
inside the Crystals I think it's called, is it a Mall? or what to call higheee... end shops in a cluster like this hmmm... nevermind... there are fake trees with lit up/glittering flowers that hang like Wisteria would elsewhere in the real world outside...in the center of this shop center is a restaurant with glorious ship to church like wooden ribs surrounding it & lovely old classic ship like wooden steps leading down or up to it...I take the stairs down slowing, they are so beautiful, imagine Titanic in long ball gown...then I take the next set of stairs & see people taking photos at the bottom--I think they too think the wood steps are beautiful, then at the bottom I turn around & see all the risers lit up with oyster shells of different sizes & colors, so had to also take a photo of them & helped a couple take their photo sitting on the steps (when she asked if I was there solo & did I want my photo taken too--said yes but thank you, I'd rather take photos of stuff & not me?!)
link to restaurant at Crystals--it's Mastro's Ocean Club...
after this came a fun water fountain installation, it was glass columns with water in them moving like tiny tornadoes, some were also in the floor, with colored lights in them--stood on one in my Tom's for a photo but it's in the point & shoot camera, which will add those photos later (when I get upstairs again--today they will be done, tonight I will have my PC back...) I felt like a kid playing in the fountain but not getting wet--the Adult Disney-land illusion continues...
on the walking sidewalks/escalators/stairs trails back to Mandalay Bay in Excalibur hotel inside on their moving sidewalks on the walls are ad posters for their knights in armor battle show, adore the one about Norway (I will post it on FB for the pals back in Norway to enjoy--Norway to Win...but of course, it should read Win & not Lose we're talking Vikings back then right?!) There is a Renaissance Fest in Texas that do these, you can eat big turkey legs with your fingers & watch jousting from inside the stadium castle seats...
also go to wander the Mandalay Bay shops which are in more than one place in the hotel sprawl/acres - spot a hair salon with the best wallpaper ever...running with scissors has a new meaning?!
link to Crystals--so much more than shopping...
I agree--only it's all "eye-candy" inside?!
outside in front of Mandalay Bay...
day before leave finally make it to the 7 Falls & at the entrance these cement guardians--dragons, more creatures of myth, love this shot (on many level--esp like the repeat design of cushion stitching, dragon backbone, palm fronds...)
inside there are real Komodo Dragon, at the Shark aquarium - which will go see too, where there are frilly jellyfish & one spotted shark with an eel like tail that would be a big surprise in the sea to think it was 1 evil sea creature when it's another?!
you can pet stingrays, which I will skip & will not be trying to put my hand in the pirana tank--can you imagine? they have to post a staff member to stand guard there to watch to warn folks not to do this, am told it use to be a Koi tank so that's why the glass is open & we wonder where the Koi went, hoping they did not become Pirana food?!
Vegas airport - early...
love all the art, so there are butterflies, that form a cloud airplane (they are paper ones, thankfully & not real) go downstairs to shuttle to then go upstairs at terminal, where pass at first a lizard in the floor looking like sunk in desert sand & then upstairs this bunny sitting in the middle of the walkways of the shops... looks as if cracked mud/rock sculptured by water/sand/wind... I needed the art interlude before flying 2 1/2 hrs to Houston with 1 hour layover to 1/2 hr flight back to Lafayette...
hardly a days rest, like who rests in Vegas--I took a book, whatever was I thinking...find out stair guys coming day early, on Sunday? & that Saturday is the SteamPunk Fest at Cite des Arts & not a hat/costume to be found (money in Vegas went to larger than expected Koi fish tatt--but no more birthmark scar, so much better than that to come home with...joked the 1 thing that did not stay in Vegas?!)
so buy bye Vegas (Viva Las Vegas--as Elvis might have said...) and Hello Lafayette--now where's my nautical octopus silver necklace (aka possible Kraken) the only piece of a SteamPunk costume I own...but next year, next...
drum roll...baaa...rummm...the point 'n shoot photos from same trip to Vegas, looking so much finer than that smarty phone photos...
will not describe them all, just enjoy the view
(& remember--one day I'll take a How to Take Photos with a Camera Lesson...some day...)
Mandalay Bay--11th floor room view, from left--The Strip, to center/right--the Airport
Forum Mall at Caesars Palace--ceilings/blue sky, fountains
Louis Vuitton - window shopping
red/white polka dot...the Kraken never looked so good...
Window Display...Fashion in the Bag...
whatever is that dress made of--must
(OK--it's made out of shopping bags)
near the 2nd set of fountains there is an aquarium...
am feeling somewhat like this colorful fish, only out of the water - peeking behind fake statues & fountains with fake blue sky/white clouds above...(as I've said before--Adult Disney...)
back to Louis Vuitton & ceramic wild polka dot flowers this time
love the antique mirror in this shop...
afraid to even walk in, will just snap a shot from the window passing by
2nd set of fountains...is it Bacchus or an Emperor...she is bearing fruit, or is it just grapes--which make wine, which is what Bacchus I believe was all about...the Roman Forum illusion (aka Adult Disney) continues...
view off the patio/balcony of Planet Hollywood Vegas
Forum shops at Caesars Palace
see Paris/Eiffel in the distance
inside Planet Hollywood Vegas...
Addams Family Values Movie set piece
Wednesday playing invisible
outside House of Blues
art benches
found objects--license plates, locks, keys, wood...
also outside House of Blues...
Santana is playing - poster art wall
are these posters from shows or album covers
I do not know enough & we will miss the show on Wednesday night
(see Milagros Foundation above & my heart for the Miracle charity)
mini Patron under lock 'n key, but way to easy to access
(we were never tempted btw)
out the window view one morning--I spy Window Washers...
there are 3 of them, 1 already on the ground, 1 up top soon down to the middle...
good thing I was not looking out my window with any of them just hanging there--can they see in these golden windows? hmmm...OK, so what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas right?! (or so that catchy ad phrase goes...)
SEG Spouse's Program Luncheon with lady magician
here a volunteer comes up to write out 3 wishes
then in the envelope clipped to the middle of the curtain with Wishes written on it
has indeed this woman's 3 wishes written on a paper inside it, still smelling or marker
I think she wished Health & Happiness on herself, everybody in the room & to a new Grand Baby
(so like all the Beauty Contests Question/Answer sessions--there is World Peace or Health & Happiness...)
It could be this is Melinda--the First Lady of Magic...or so goes that title, but what little to nothing I know--I've never seen her before...still it's a 'cute' show all in all, it is afterall--a lady's luncheon in a well lit small conference room...I did like her having the 1 of few men tie her up & then behind a curtain ring end up with his jacket on under the ropes--hmmm...how did she pull that one off?! Ah, such is magic...
love the neon
I needed a neon city tour
esp pink neon
the Flamingo
(we did not see a classic dancing girls show, or guys revue either for that matter--as we missed the Vegas Legends show on Wednesday at the SEG Ballroom closer...)
quite mesmerizing to watch the fish swim by...
the game gets more exciting as all the chairs are full--your odds get better I am told...
after a short while I am dizzy & walk away (they both made money, it will go to their heads)
Mandalay Bay from the pool area
love the cement frogs & the lizard...
and Lazy River
(grew up in FL, have seen a palm tree or two--but I do like to see them en group once again I must say...)
Crystals shops - Louis Vuitton - red polka dots
& tornado fountains in the center
with my traveling red Tom's
love the crooked buildings, the sky, the clouds
more Adult Disney-land
reminds me of Doha, Qatar
(there were also crooked/leaning buildings being built there when we lived there as ExPats--many many moons ago...)
VIP...not what you think...
Vegans Inhaling Porterhouse--LOL
at New York New York
classic Pepsi Cola
am curious if was an advert for real that they're copying
Mandalay Bay
House of Blues
sunset, could not wait for pink-ing of the clouds
just like Egypt...oh yeah--I've been there, so not...
but back to Adult Disney--can I suspend my believe just long enough for the illusion
the Sphinx
with some color, less a lot of pigeons up his nose...
as we've seen him for real, in Egypt & not in Adult Disney
(aka The Strip, aka Vegas)
Norway to Lose...
Oh No--that's Viking country, so much more likely Norway to Win?!
We did not see this show at Excalibur--but great adverts!!
lounge lizard by the pool
dragon out front at 7 Falls
Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay
another lounging lizard--giant Komodo Dragon
Lionfish, frilly jellyfish (do those tentacles sting?)
Good bye Vegas lights -
Oh My the Waste of Energy on The Strip...
but the sparkle & bling can be pretty for a short while
someday they will have to shut it off/shut it down--but until then...
Adult Disney awaits...for someone else, we're done--been there, done that, moving on...
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