Showing posts with label Dallas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dallas. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2012

Breaking the Crust at my first official Cupping

Breaking the Crust
Cafe Cohen - Barista Jason Cohen
Roaster - Cultivar - Dallas, TX

Jason Cohen - Cafe Cohen - Cupping w/Cultivar...
of course making a fun face, that I didn't see when I took the photo ;o)

Jonathan w/Cultivar Coffee - instructing us before we 'break the crust'
at the cupping at Cafe Cohen

Jonathan Meadows - Cultivar Roaster - Barista - SCAA 2011 5th Place...

Jonathan Meadows - Roaster - Barista - White Rock Coffee - Lakewood Advocate Magazine...

note: one of his specialty drinks is made with espresso, ruby red grapefruit & raw honey...
not exactly what most folks would think to throw together in a coffee mug right?!

Cupping at Cafe Cohen - love these tilted bowls for the smelling/tasting of
5 different roasts: 4 Cultivar & 1 Guest roast...
Cultivar Coffee (previously Stir Coffee was here) is inside Good 2 Go Taco...
note: Jonathan Meadows with business partner Nathan Shelton co-own Cultivar Coffee...
thought curious that Cafe Cohen is inside Great Harvest like Cultivar Coffee is inside Good 2 Go Taco - one tho in Lafayette, LA while the other is in Dallas, TX...

Cultivar Coffee logo on a roasted bag of coffee...
think coffee cup instead of a globe - which coffee
is from around the world, so that is fitting
Coffee Cupping...

Wiki explains it...

Coffee Research Org explains it...

Counter Culture Coffee--shows another photo of what may be 'breaking the crust' in the glasses that are used for Cortado's & also in Cafe Cohen's case, that 'off the menu' request called a 'J-Co'...

close up view of the 5 roasts on the Cafe Cohen counter
during our Cupping w/Cultivar - Guatemala, Rwanda, Columbia, Costa Rica
& the guest roaster in the black bag (that Ugh--I forget the name of, will have to ask)

leftover grounds at the bottom of the tilted cupping bowls,
next to the Cultivar Guatemala roasted bag of beans...

Jonathan - proof that he does wear many hats,
he roasts, he's a Barista, he also does the dishes...
(who told me at times they have a table of 14 roasts to taste at once -
which I can hardly keep track of the 5 we had, with 2 favorites...
this time one that I didn't pick last cupping with just Jason trying
to create a cupping experience - now this time it's rather official?!)

Thank you, Cafe Cohen - Jason, Cultivar - Jonathan
& Great Harvest Bread Co for giving Cafe Cohen the Coffeebar space!!

Cultivar Coffee - Facebook page...

Cafe Cohen - Blog - an earlier cupping w/Cultivar & Nathan that time...
(note: which somehow I missed, no matter I'm the mayor on Foursquare?!)

Wiki List of Coffee Varieties mentions 'Cultivar' - which may very well be why they chose their name, Cultivar Coffee (I've yet to hear the rest of the story, but here is the proper description...)

Cultivar, the botanical term, is normally and correctly used for selections and forms of cultivated plants; it must be visually distinct from other cultivars, and it must be possible to propagate it reliably.

Found a Coffee Cupper's Handbook by Ted Lingle on Sweet Maria's webpage (who claim to be an online Coffee Univ) - 66 pgs at $38 - includes a Coffee Cupper's Flavor Wheel on the inside cover
(note: Wow--still it's way/Way over my head, so not for my coffee table...or not this year?!)

Link to a YouTube about a Cupping Room--tho it's downunder, so no visit anytime soon (perhaps there's one here in the US too, just a Coffee Cupping Room...hmmm...on the list of coffee adventures yet to be had...)

To get to be an official cupper, there is a test, here is a 'taste' of that testing on YouTube with Coffee Video Magazine - Sensory Skills Test...

a Cupping Spoon - in stainless - that you can order online
say off for about $10 - set of 2

Coffee Cupping Equipment - one example...

Dozen Cupping (silver) Spoons $22
Set - 3 Dozen - Cupping Bowls porcelain/heavy Glasses $82
Plastic (blue) Cupping Trays $3.75 ea
A fully plumbed Cupping Table $16,050
all prices per Coffee Tec...
(note: I'm getting the idea, like all else, it's an expensive coffee lab adventure...
you'll note on the YouTubes if they use one of these Cupping Tables, that turn
& you can spit in little side sinks, what it costs above...I'm not sure I would
spit at that if I had to consider the costs?!)

Photos following of that earlier Coffee Cupping at Cafe Cohen w/just Jason -
so perhaps not so official as with Cultivar Coffee Roasters & Jonathan,
but it was a great First Experience at Coffee Cupping for sure (my first time
to hear about 'breaking the crust' for one thing, bit by bit I'm learning enough
about coffee to be perhaps dangerous, just a bit...either that or a Coffee Geek?!)

beans & grounds lined up on counter
(yes, it's a very sunny day)

from the other direction, the 4 roasts for the day on the bar...
(this is when I'll discover that I don't know Rwanda roast,
but I like it the best, surprised me - after my beloved Guatemala)

Jason in the sun, Jason is sunny already--getting ready to poor
hot water over the grounds so we can have a smell, then a taste -
of our unknown coffee roasts...

and the smelling has begun, as is our lineup -
me & the boys, in the sun with our regular spoons,
that we correctly dip into hot water after each dip
(so no double dipping going on right?!)

Jason does a demo for us, we know nothing...
except it's early & we've not had our caffeine for the morning,
so it's amazing for one we can wait, or that we can focus?!

Thanks for the Coffee Cupping Tester Morning Cafe Cohen--Jason?!
Now we were ready for Cultivar & their fancy Coffee Spoons & slanted bowls!!