Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tetes in l'air Stiltwalkers - Int'l Fest

YouTube - thank you 'typeface'
(note: I did try to video them while in La Promenade, but too quickly they were around the corner)

Link of the Stiltwalkers on official webpage Int'l Fest - write up, their photo, link to their webpage...

Tetes en l'air Stiltwalkers
(France - Stiltwalkers)

Three timeless creatures are strolling about in the streets.  The first one, standing up, is more than three meters high and is scanning the horizon of this weird world. The second one, smaller, is moving on all fours and exchange knowing glances.  The third one is moving about on the ground and meets the people with its delicate fingers.  One line, moving peacefully at a walk, they discover the cars, the shops, the people.  Gradually, these threee characters reveal their own small world; pinching, caresses, hide and seek games... ambulatory show wordless and without music.

link to Festival Internationl line-up info for Festival Goers - Lineup - Tetes en l'air Stiltwalkers...

link to webpage for Tetes en l'air Stiltwalkers...


La Promenade - Int'l Fest

La Promenade - International Festival - Lafayette, LA
4:00 PM Saturday 4/30/11

A different sort of Marching Band with Stiltwalkers & HoolaHoop
the March Fourth Marching Band - US Circus/Vaudeville...

March Fourth Marching Band - US Circus/Vaudeville - Scene Popeyes

Link to March Fourth Marching Band on official Int'l Fest webpage with write up & video...

March Fourth Marching Band

More street entertainer stiltwalkers, from the painted sign, the colorful ones...

Link to Stiltwalkers - on official Int'l Fest webpage, with write up & their photo/webpage...
Drummers of Burundi - Burundi, Africa
(at first w/o their drums, as the arrived at the end they were brought their drums - but we didn't walk that fast to photograph them, only heard them...but do have another video of them playing at the Scene TV5Monde)

Master Drummers of Burundi - Burundi, Africa - Scene TV5Monde

(note: can't seem to load up my video, again, so there's the official webpage & YouTube to listen or watch them at instead...)

Link to Master Drummers of Burundi - on official Int'l Fest webpage, with write up & video...

Remesha Master Drummers of Burundi

Festival International 2011 Bands - YouTube

YouTube Video - until I can get my videos to post too - note on Official Webpage under the Festival Goers Lineup you can scroll over names of all the bands to listen to a song of each one & click on the name & it will take you to more, where you can watch their choice of YouTube video...

March Fourth International Festival 2011

25th International Festival - Lafayette, LA

Day Two - Thursday Day/Night 4/28/11

Sonny Landreth - Louisiana, Slide Guitar - Scene Popeye

end of Toubab Krewe - US Afrobeat (pop)/Surf - Scene Malibu

Rootz Underground - Jamaica, Reggae - Scene Malibu

Classic auto parked in front of the auto mural - downtown Lafayette
(how perfect a coincidence was that - and too that I walked by just then?!)

Name that Classic Car? I can't, can you?!
(what do I know about antique cars, I just know I like these sleek sports car lines & in front of the automobile mural--even better)

But what comes to my mind is a sleek black Cheetos Cheetah nose...
(Oh my what adverts have done to me from a very young age)

"Bienvenue au Festival Internationa de Louisiane"
which easy enough you can translate from French -
Welcome to Festival International of Louisana

These colorful clownish stiltwalkers will be in the Festival Parade -
they have every year the La Promenade

(note: took a video of the parade, but so quick & so short a lineup & such a wandering of the streets that it was so very much better live than what I happen to catch, will still post separately or you can look on their official webpage for the festival to see more photos & more, perhaps better, videos too...)
Day Three - Friday Day/Night 4/29/11

Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys - Louisiana Cajun - Scene Chevron

(note: I think Scene Chevron was the local/Cajun stage it felt like, still dancing up front going on at all the stages, you can Cajun 2-step to just about anything I'm guessing?!)

DJ Rara - Haiti, Haitian Rara - Scene Malibu

Lisa LeBlanc - New Brunswick, Canada - Singer/Songwriter 
playing banjo & then a black guitar - Scene TV5Monde

(note: I really liked her, but her CD was sold out...pout, pout...)

Locos por Juana - Columbia/Venezuela, Latin Urban Orchestra - Scene Popeye

Day Four - Saturday Day/Night 4/30/11

Lisa LeBlanc - New Brunswick, Canada - Singer/Songwriter -
Black guitar at Pavillion de Cuisine/FoodCourt Pavillion

(note: she was very proud of her sundress & sunburn, since back in Canada there was prob. snow still?!)

Master Drummers of Burundi - Burundi, Africa - Traditional/Percussion - Scene TV5Monde

(note: they were on stage & in the parade too, you could buy big/medium/little drums at the Market tents nearby - I'm sure a lot of kids, big & small, went home with drums this year?!)

Bombero Estereo - Columbia - Electro/Pop - Scene Popeye

Locos por Juana - Columbia/Venezuela - Latin Urban Orchestra - Scene Malibu

March Fourth Marching Band - US Circus/Vaudeville - Scene Malibu

(note: they've been to Vegas Baby & you can soon see why?!)

Red Baraat - India - Indian Brass - Scene TV5Monde

The Givers - Louisiana Folkrock/Afrobeat - Scene Popeye

PitStop for a Pulled Pork Sandwich, next door to artzy/crafty gallery, closed, but what do I spy? A drawing of a pig, how appropo was that, while we waited for food, we could contemplate where that pulled pork came from?! hmmm...mmm...hmmm...

Day Five - Sunday Day 5/1/11
(May Day, May Queens, May Poles, May Baskets & Music?!)

March Fourth Marching Band - US Circus/Vaudeville - Scene Popeye
in their fullout daytime spectacular 17 band member or stiltwearing crew

(note: there are YouTubes, I took a video too, see separate post - they have a webpage - I bought their CD, missed the signing times - sent one to the Navy boy too, who use to play the trumpet...if he coulda only been at the right place at the right time back when after Band practice?!)

Scene Chevron - passed by (exhausted after a week of Int'l Fest so going off to find the car parked way/Way far away) - Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band, as they were mentioning a crew there was filming them for their documentary (later I would hear they asked people to come up on stage & at least one big bottom girl went up, no surprise there...) Look for the documentary, my friends will be in the crowd?! - Louisiana Zydeco (Grammy Winner & told the last year for Zydeco & also that it's happened before, back again to just Cajun I suppose...)

Note: followed schedule 2011 on my Droid Phone App (new this year, what timing for me?!) - came in very handy wandering from stage to stage & past the food tents or Market tents or following the parade or where ever else downtown Lafayette...

Big Thank You to Seed Labs LLC - Austin, TX ( ) who apparently orchestrated that Droid Phone App this Year?! It was awesome & I used it a lot, I would of been lost a lot of the time if I didn't have it to see where I was going & when & to see who too?! (& OK, there was an iPhone App also)

You can follow them on Twitter & Facebook too, of course...
Twitter: #festivalintl

You can shop online or at the Festival - it's a Free Festival, so supported if you shop for food or drinks or souvenirs or if you're a vendor or a sponsor or whatever else that doesn't involve me buying a ticket to see each band...

At their CD shop inside their tent near Scene Malibu, was told all the Artists receive all the proceeds from the sale of their CD's - plus had a plaform cubby with table/chairs set up for the Artists to come sign their CD's, but I missed the ones I bought (I mean really how is a 17 plus marching band gonna come sign my 2 little CD's, hmmm...)

Link to Official Festival Page...

Link to Louisiana Tourist Page...
"Louisiana Pick Your Passion"