Southern Screen Film Festival 2013
Lafayette, LA
link to Southern Screen webpage...
link to Southern Screen Facebook page...
What's Better than Popcorn?
link to The Ind - Article: Southern Screen Film Festival Returns...
link to The Ind - Acadiana 365 - Nov 14 - 17, 2013...
Loved their Postcard Surveys...
that were good for a prize drawing -
haven't gotten called yet, so am guess 'not' a winner, me...
note: I answered (tried) The Movie Buff Questions
What calendar year does Marty McFly travel back to the future?
How old was Orson Welles when he directed his critically acclaimed debut film "Citizen Kane?"
What was the first animated film nominated for a Best Picture Oscar?
Who directed Britain's first "All-Talkie" feature-film "Blackmail" in 1929?
Where do the main characters of Harold and Maude first meet?
Which color did Quentin Tarantino's character go by in "Reservoir Dogs?"
I could of never answered the other postcard surveys--even with Googleing for sure!
Got me a Pass to get a Pass into everything...
First off World Premiere of "You're in Charge"
Poster for the film--"You're in Charge"
note: taken really after the after party--like the light inside the AcA then...
Also I put this photo out on Facebook...
asking folks if anyone else saw a 'face' in ??
only 1 person replied, Yes--from my expat friend's in Norway no less
do I guess it's something up with fb per usu & rest of the friends didn't see it...
or nobody else wanted to guess...)
from the Southern Screen Film Festival Program
"You're in Charge" 88 min's
I hadn't a clue really what I was in for...
a lot of laughing in the end
even near tears--not from laughter but from the heartfelt storyline
did realize as it went along that a lot of folks I know were in the thing
also a lot of folks in the audience knew the people in the movie
so whenever anyone would show up onscreen, at least the first time,
there would be all sorts of noise/cheers/catcalls from their fan cheering section
the button, my button
in the color of his cape--duh...of course...
Oh & I am now, after watching, a serious #FanGirl of this film too
"Ici on Parle Cajun?"
aka Cajun is Spoken Here
note: one Fav scene in this movie is when someone fills in a blank with 'Cajun' - after that I can't say that there's any Cajun/French spoken in the movie that I remember, but will have to watch again & Again as soon as I can, to be sure...that & to laugh a lot more?! ;oD
link to a little French/Cajun language lesson - on Lafayette Travel webpage...
(note: there's the word 'Lagniappe' but not this phrase on the postcard...)
link to You're in Charge webpage...
link to You're in Charge Facebook page...
#youreincharge @yrincharge #InCharge
link to The Advertiser article by Dominick Cross - Laughs abound in Local Comedy You're in Charge...
link to the Vimeo of the "You're in Charge" film Trailer...
note: 1:53 min's of the 88 min's of the film
in the audience below...
but Jim Phillips & Christy Leichty (in the movie!!)
not to mention Mr Pink Pants (who's also in the movie!)
I know these good folks from Cite des Arts/local grassroots theater
didn't know they were up to this kind of acting, but obviously they are!
link to Cite des Arts - Lafayette, LA - webpage...
link to Cite des Arts - Facebook page...
Julie Bordelon introducing the Premiere of "You're in Charge"
at Southern Screen Film Fest 2013
in the theater of AcA/Acadiana Center for the Arts
then an intro for the Director of the film: Tom Kreuger
link to the AcA/Acadiana Center for the Arts...
Tom Kreuger at the beginning
afterwards there will be a Q&A
and all the cast that's in the audience will go up onstage too
(note: Mary Kay Place didn't show up, maybe at the Movie Opening in Feb/March next year??)
And a lot of snaps of the cast in attendance, some answering questions too
for the Q&A up on stage after the film with the Director: Tom Kreuger
The Cinematography: Paul Sanchez (who said a lot of nice things about filming in Lafayette, LA!!)
link to Harmonic Pictures webpage...
Let's see some questions...
How was it working with Mary Kay Place--did it up your game kind of thing...?
there was a story told, of course, it's storytelling land--which I've mentioned before...
and there was some snapping of fingers in faces, mention of focus--repeat focus, etc...
you'll have to ask them to repeat their fond stories about Mary Kay Place...
(note: I do so love her - or I guess I have to say her work, her acting, her movies...since I don't really know her right, but still 'love her!"...and wish she were here for this World Premiere with all the local folks in attendance--maybe, fingers crossed, she'll come for the Movie Opening at theaters, again fingers crossed, sometime end of Feb/beginning of Mar...or so that's the 'talk' now...)
link to the YouTube of Mary Kay Place's interview--about what she thinks of Lafayette, Louisiana...
(note: apparently there were a number of versions of the title of the movie--Daisy Chain, Hail Mary & I guess finally, no finally--You're in Charge...now I think I love her even more--am asking myself where was I in March to have missed her...except I don't go dancing at the Blue Moon, so that may be why--I missed out, were some lucky dancing folks then when she was in town...so Fab u lous for Lafayette, LA--her Favorite Louisiana Location...Ma' Ya' Chere!!)
another question had to do with a crying scene
there was the UL Ragin Cajuns connection & those stories
especially one about a reluctant lawyer & a reshoot on the field
what was the funnest part? the Director--This...
having the movie premiere for all the local folks (I agree!)
I'm sure there was mention of someone getting into that Speedo
but I won't be a Story Spoiler, you'll have to Go See the Movie!!
note: After Party at the Lafayette Science Museum
I did not go to the Photo Booth, because I'm like 'not' famous nor in the film
plus I was leaving when I heard someone mention they were going to find it--I didn't see it...
hopefully there are photos up somewheres--if I find them will add a link...
Was a lot of fun to be at an After Party period--not to mention recognize all the actors that were up on the stage & in the film & get to talk to some of them to tell them how Fab u lously Fun/Funny it all was...
So so many great scenes, great lines...can't wait for the DVD's--I asked, not yet...sigh...but when there are, if before X-mas, that's what everybody is getting...if afterwards, then that's what everybody is getting for their B-Days or maybe "Just Because I Love You" hah?!
mwah hah hah...lookie what I found in the Props cage...
I opened this box that said Save Tom, then I stared at it a moment--
Wait, I've seen this stuff before...now where was it--Oh Yeah!
In a movie! In You're in Charge...then I had a funny feeling come over me,
giggled, then thought 'what if they get famous--would they want any of this again?'
hmm...so silly, hats/a red shirt went to costume cage then plastic bottles/box off to recycle...
still I hope they all do get famous--they just won't miss all this prop stuff...
I do wonder tho about all those other movies, TV shows, plays...
what all happens to all that 'stuff' ??
all the props, all the costumes, hmm...ponder ponder...
side note--maybe this coming Mardi Gras, first week in March 2014
if the movie - You're in Charge - has played or will be here on the big screen
Harmonic Productions could have a float in the Independent Parade with throws...
these throws--plastic green topped pee cups with Mardi Gras Beads stuck on them
(maybe with gold, green, purple - faux - pee inside...or beads inside or candy pills maybe...)
I may Tweet @yrincharge 'axe' them what 'day' think?!
another--mwah hah hah... ;-))
Back to the Southern Screen Film Festival Weekend...
Yes, there was more...
Saturday I missed out...
But I've seen "Forks Over Knives" on Netflix at home on my TV, which was 1 film showing
still it would of been nice to see up on the big screen, but couldn't make it both days of the weekend..
and even tho I missed Design is One: The Vignellis on Saturday too
they re-showed it on Sunday, since the Shorts didn't last as long as they thought...
so after the Music Video Shorts go to see it, I had wanted to see it so that was a Fab
Lagniappe (aka little something extra in Cajunspeak)
link to Design is One: The Vignellis
I never knew all this about this design team couple from Italy
I know I've seen their work & never knew they were behind it
link to YouTube Design is One Trailer 2:39 min's...
quote I caught that I'd agree with after just watching the film...
"there's a fire in their belly--all the time"

link to his Wiki--Massimo Vignelli...
link to her Wiki--Lella Vignelli
With the magic Pass I went nearly All Day Sunday--Whew...
I got Motion Sickness for a spell, had to take a break/breather, then went back in for more!!
Shorts to Music I think were my Fav Shorts...
this one here about colored pencils (Hudson - Against the Grain)
I tried to snap the big screen, but way Way too much motion going on
from the Program Guide...
Music Video Series:
Shugo Tokumara - Katachi
(note: my Top Fav...I couldn't believe all the paper cut outs--read 2,000 precision-cut shapes...
or "katachi" in Japanese...mesmerizing...)
note: you can go to the Facebook page for the Southern Screen to click on all the links to watch clips or trailers or descriptions of all these
Brass Bed - Please Don't Go
Hudson - Against the Grain (note: this is the 'colored pencil' animated film)
Rich Aucoin - Brian Wilson is Alive
Wordburglas - Croque Monsieur
Ryan Stinson - Melt (Ft. Ghettosocks)
Jenn Grant - The Fighter
Shorts Series 1:
(note: animated & I liked this one...with the flying machine I was thinking Steampunk again)
Georgia Howl
Mobile Homes
(read in the description that this one is being adapted for a feature film--the premise I recall tho seeing in another film, but can't think of that one...nor find it at the moment--if I do I will add, yet again, another note...)
Written in Ink
Ten to Sing
(I didn't know until this one was over that again I know the location & the actress in this film--saw in the Credits Rip Van Winkle Gardens & I've been there, taken photos there then Amanda's name popped up knew I'd seen her before...then at the Q&A after the film they mentioned her again & she was in the audience stood up & Bingo--remembered her from at least one play at Cite des Arts, if not two...she doesn't talk in the film--if she did would of given her away, she has a very British accent yet?!)
(this was so endearing, especially at the end when you find out who the characters are really...)
Shorts Series 2:
I didn't watch, this is when I 'had' to have a break/breather & hot tea/food...it's sooo frigid in the LITE Center, even with a scarf--I came back in with hot tea & a rain jacket to stay warm for the rest of the films...
Shorts Series 3:
Native Owl
(after seeing the jewelry in this film I knew it was familiar, I knew I'd seen it before & again somehow it came up or I read in the credits Native Owl Jewelry...so went to find her Facebook page - Jamie Faulk - & told her I'd seen her jewelry on the movie & just knew it was hers--also that it would be lovely to use, she replied back that she does on her webpage...only not the version with the words...)

a sample of Native Owl jewlery from her webpage shop on Etsy
link to Native Owl Etsy shop - Native Owls Nook...
link to Native Owl Facebook page...
(note: the photo at the top if from the short film--in the tent...)
link to Native Owl webpage - the film - 2:02 min's...
(OK, I'm sorry--but by the end with the Taxi & the rider & the incident toward the end I started thinking...wait a minute I think I've seen something like this scene before, only two males instead of two females...Fight Club--with the alter ego character & all those driver's licenses...if you'll remember how he took them & what happened to all those folks that had theirs taken away from them then you'll see the resemblance here...anyways, I thought it was familiar enough for me to remember it--but it's only a Film Fest Shorts so no worries...)
I didn't stay for the rest, the last 2 Shorts--'cause I'd read/heard they were scary & I don't like scary...
plus I am moving & I shoulda been home all day doing something like Oh packing up my office--lol
link to the Acadiana Life Style article: For The Love of The Big Screen - November 2013...
For The Love of The Big Screen
Southern Screen Film Festival Celebrates Movie Making
by Michelle Matthews Calloway
Designed with the Southern Region in Mind
Southern Filmmakers and Films
The Submission Process
Educational Components and Opportunities
Premiere Events
One Festival in Multiple Locations
Something for Everyone
"We like to talk about how we're bringing independent film and the film industry to the 'Southern screen.' We wanted to give people in the South the opportunity to see productions they would not normally get a chance to see." -- Julie Bordelon, Director and Founder, Southern Screen Film Festival
(note: right now I can't find the article online, the link above doesn't let you open the articles...I will keep looking...above is the summary of the bullet points in the article...I was hoping under the Premiere Events section they would mention You're in Charge but they didn't...also they used last year's photo of the Yoga Session before the showing of the Yoga Woman documentary at the LITE Center on the floor outside the doors that you enter where the screening took place...I saw that one too, but I did not go do the Yoga bit...outside was Coffee from The Lab--I did coffee instead...next year maybe I'll do Yoga...)